Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Hong Kong

Marsh and I decided to head to Hong Kong for a long-weekend (Fri-Monday).  A quick look at some of our adventures:

Roof-top Bars: If you're going to pay $10+ for a drink, might as well get a free view

TOTT: Talk of the Town, yet ironically quiet when we were there
View from Eyebar
109 stories up

Toilets: USA, we are in the crapper compared to HK

The toilet in our hotel room had a heated seat and may have been able to help me with my investments homework, but I couldn't figure out how most of it worked.

Vistas: With a lot of mountains and islands, Hong Kong had some amazing views
Looking from Kowloon across to Hong Kong Island
HK and Bangkok meet at the Peak

Bears: Just the bear necessities 

Black (and white) bear beats beets

Can barely contain his excitement
 Ocean Park: Passed on Disneyland to go to Ocean Park, which I believe is up for a slashie, for best amusement park/aquarium/zoo/place to buy fried squid snacks.

Think Marsh and I were excited to be at an amusement park built on the side of a mountain?
HK loves their trams

 The Olympics:  Remember when Hong Kong hosted the Olympics?  Neither do I.

Not exactly sure why there is an Olympic monument in Hong Kong Park, but there is

  Buddha:  Went to Lantau Island to take a tram and see the Tian Tan Huddha

Is that the world's largest outdoor, sitting Buddha that is made of bronze?  Why yes it is.
After waiting an hour for the tram to take us to Tian Tan Buddha, we needed to take a photo of a caution slippery warning cone

Starbucks:  Oh, there happens to be a certain coffee chain in Hong Kong?

Berlin Starbucks by Brandenburg gate, you're on notice for the award of coolest Starbucks' view

Dim Sum: Had our fill of it and Dim Sum

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